In 1983, the people of Mexico amended it’s constitution to state that its citizens have a "right to the protection of health". Here in the US, we have yet to determine that protection of one’s health is a right. This summer, President Obama and the US Congress, with input from many sectors, is in a debate to determine just how much the government should be involved in health care. Meanwhile, it is estimated that 50 million Americans live every day without any form of health security. I applaud Mexico for creating a safety net that protects the poorest of its citizens from some of the ailments which plague mankind.
Seeing the styles of assessing patients, diagnosing illness, prescribing medications and charting at the three clinics I visited was interesting and informative. I saw providers with little more than their own interview and assessment skills providing quality care and improving the health status of their patients. Truly, high tech testing and imaging are useful in diagnosis and treatment, but not necessarily a prerequisite.
Surrounding myself with Spanish speakers all day long greatly helped revive and improve my Spanish. I am thankful that so many were patient with me and willing to have serious conversations despite my basic difficulties with speaking. I have come away with a realization that I can speak Spanish, but I have a lot of room for improvement.
Many people ask if I will return to Puerto Escondido or do something like this again. I am sure I will do something like this again. Bill (my husband) and I are always talking about what we would like to do next. I would like to find a similar opportunity, but one which afforded Bill and I the opportunity to settle into a community and continue to provide a needed service for that community. This could be in the United States or elsewhere. We will just have to wait and see what way opens. I would love to visit Puerto Escondido and Oaxaca again. I don’t have a plan right now, we will just see what the future brings.
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